Sunday, March 9, 2014

Writer's Block or what have I been doing for almost a year

Yeah, I know... MIA for way too long. Can't quite understand how I haven't been able to write, me... one who is never at a lose for words. The good thing is that I have discovered why I like to write. It's a process, just like doing laundry or any other repetitive task. It is not the actual result, the proverbial clean and folded laundry, that I need but the process. The contemplation, the release of words to the keyboard or notebook. Then the editing. Hitting the delete button, inserting, rewording... the process.

This means that I have fell in love with new processes that help me meditate on life. I've discovered water bath canning. Seriously, I love it and I can do it in my tiny kitchen! I've made the best garlic pickle ever, fell in love with homemade strawberry jam,

 created "Mmmm mango Mandarin jam," and

<"There can only be one.. The Gherkin."

The Gherkin (just before putting in jars)>

I bought a juicer and love the mixing of fruit and veg that result in these amazing colors and flavors!

And for the first time in my life, I have been able to grow my nails and I'm obsessed with polish and nail art! 

How silly, how fun!

Stay tuned for canning recipes, my fav veg/fruit juice combos, more rants and giggles, and yes, watch my nail art progress.